amvote pac illinois

AMVOTE’s mission is to expand the influence of American citizens of Middle Eastern North African ancestry, whether Muslim or Christian, through support of candidates who show a commitment to equal community opportunities in: (1) Business, (2) Employment, (3) Government, (4) Education, and (5) Civil Rights without regard to race, color, creed, and ethnicity

The purpose of AMVOTE is to enhance the civic participation and empowerment of MENA Americans by voting for those that are sensitive to discrimination issues. The organization also advocates on behalf of the MENA community through democratic and inclusive organizational structures, and through partnering with other organizations.

AMVOTE is a state and local PAC that is not involved in federal issues or races and does not advocate in favor of any particular political party, religious viewpoint, or foreign policy position.

Not authorized by any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections will be available on the Board’s official website (www.elections.IL.gov) or for purchase from the State Board in Springfield, IL.